為全港院舍 度身訂造 智慧健康顯示屏+智慧院舍管理平台 智慧整合各類醫療設備, 受照顧者的健康數據即時顯示及保存,可以減輕照顧者的傳統抄寫工作負擔,亦設有異常警報系統,配合長者護理全面智慧自動化的新趨勢! 院舍管理平台覆蓋8大功能: -照顧計劃 -工作指令 -行政事項 -工作事項 -醫護日誌 -交更簿 -監察台 -分析報表 產品訂購/咨詢: 香港通訊有限公司 電話: +852 2527 8822 電郵: contact_hkcgroup@hkc.net 網址: https://www.hkc.com.hk
我們有多款防疫產品完全合資格 申請香港「賽馬會院舍防疫設施資助計劃」 (1) 手推式紫外線殺菌機 (2) 專業智能殺菌機械人 (黑武士) 榮獲香港電腦學會頒發的抗疫創新數碼方案獎 2020 ─ 傑出醫療類別獎 (3) 大型專業空氣殺菌機 (4) 人臉識別連體溫檢測機 (5) 書本/玩具消毒機 (6) 飯堂/職員室專用防飛沫屏擋 我們的防疫產品亮點: – 香港通訊的智能殺菌機/機械人利用254nm飛利浦紫外線消毒燈進行全面的室內消毒,通過破壞病毒的DNA結構來防止和減少病毒在公共環境中的傳播,有效殺滅99%病毒細菌 (平均25平方米房間消毒15分鐘可殺滅99%病毒細菌) – 使用手機APP/網頁/一鍵操作,簡單易用 – 配備人體感應器,如有人靠近,紫外線消毒燈會自動熄滅...
HKC U-VC Disinfection Machine Promotion 📣📣📣 (From Aug 1st to Sep 30th 2020) Customers can enjoy premium discount price of 10% off to get our new UVC Disinfection Machine...
HKC Father’s Day – Smart Fitness Mirror Promotion 📣📣📣 From June 1st to July 31st 2020, customers enjoy premium discount price of $6500 + monthly subscription fee of $300...
Professional Air Deodorize and Sterilizer – HKC LIVA AIR DOCTOR removes 99% PM 0.3 pollutants and kills virus and bacteria Bacteria and virus can easily spread in crowded spaces...
The Ingram Micro ONE HONG KONG hosted by Ingram Micro was successfully held On November 12, 2019 in InterContinental hotel. HKC was grateful to be one of the ISV...
The Shenzhen International Wellness and Beauty Industry Expo hosted by China International Beauty was successfully held On October 14-16, 2019. HKC was grateful to be one of the exhibitor...
Showcase of OliveX smart fitness platform with HKC Smart Mirror Live demonstration video:Press HERE to watch now! • Fitness Revolution App • Get daily personalized workout with our A.I....