17-23 August, 2013 – Singapore Communications (Wavex) Pte Ltd (Singcomm), the wholly-owned subsidiary company of HKC, has participated in IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2013. The Congress is the international flagship professional and trade event for the library and information service sector. During the congress, about 400 librarians and information service professionals share and exchange the insights of future library trend. It brings together over 3,500 participants from more than 120 countries with over 80 exhibitors and an exhibition of approximately 1,000 square meters. The exhibition forms the hub of the Congress and provides an excellent opportunity for attendees to interact with exhibitors and familiarize themselves with the latest advances and innovations.
Supporting the theme of this year’s Congress – “Future Libraries: Infinite Possibilities”, we have dedicated to showcase and features a range of our new library products and solutions. In the exhibition, the visitors experienced the seamless integration and application of our latest library platform – LIBRA3 (HKC’s Library Management System) and various hardware devices including, the brand-new ALL-IN-ONE LIBRA™ Self Check-in/out Station, RFID/EM Hybrid Gate, Smart Shelf, Stocktake Solution plus the latest interactive Multi-touch application for both academic & public library etc. LIBRA3 features the flexibility and adaptability to allow customizations to best suit different requirement and needs for each institution or patron environment.
The ALL-IN-ONE Station allows patrons to borrow, return and renew library items easily without human intervention. The Gate and Smart Shelf solution improve both installation aesthetics and efficiency of library material management with advanced RFID technologies. Stocktake handheld solution fastens library staffs’ stocktaking operation with high accuracy in the meantime. Multi-touch application attracts many visitors by its unlimited touch points and display of electronic library materials simultaneously. By the whole week of showcase, HKC’s new RFID Library Solution brings inspiration to the librarians and other experts from information sectors worldwide, and interests a lot of potential customers.