“Golden Time·Home” is the first residential community project featured by educated-youth culture in China. The residential community is located in Huang Jing Town, Tai Cang, occupying 157 million square meters. “Golden Time·Home” has the thoughtfulness facilities in the residential community. The first sale of well-decorated small apartment of about 60 square meters starts in 2013, targeting educated-youth customers. From 4 April to 16 April, “Golden Time” held an eight-day open day event that attracts average 250 visits per day; the total visits estimated to exceed 2000 in the whole open day event. HKC Technology Shanghai attends and shows our Home Automation Solutions (HA) during the open day event by 4 sample apartments installed with Home Automation Solutions. HA as the main feature of “Golden Time” receives many positive comments from visitors. During open day, we also shows our HA solutions with demo box in “Golden Time” reception and welcome centre. The visitors can use HKC’s self-developed HA-Pad to experience intelligent control and security system. In the four sample apartments, the visitors can control the lightings, curtain and air-conditioner directly with HA-Pad mounted on the wall. Besides, they can know how our intelligent security system works by experiencing.